Explaining Cardano's eUTXO model for a five-year-old
Cardano is fundamentally different from Ethereum in its accounting model. While Cardano uses the extended UTXO model (eUTXO), Ethereum uses accounts. In this article, we will explain the difference between these approaches in a simplified way. Read article
Cardano is the highest-ranking crypto brand
Cardano is the highest-ranking crypto brand in the Top Brand Intimacy 2022 report. The surprising thing is that Cardano has a higher rating than Bitcoin. Almost every person on the planet has heard of Bitcoin while Cardano is still unknown to the general public. What is it that has earned Cardano such a good rating? Read article
What is the Cardano testnet for?
If you understand what testnet is for, you won't be surprised that it is not in an ideal state or that a bug has appeared. If testnet is 100% stable, it is suspicious and some processes may be failing, because stability and 100% reliability is a quality that users expect from mainnet, not from testnet. Testnet is not for users, but for developers. Developers know that testnet can be unstable. Read article
Myth-busting: the physical world is not a problem for Cardano
People live in a physical world and all financial interactions are built on trust. When trust is broken, the legal system is the solution for the victims. Blockchain is and always will be connected to the physical world. Read article
Staking on Cardano is affordable for all
The decentralization of blockchain networks is a complex topic. This article will discuss why making it easy for people to participate in network decentralization is essential. We will explore Cardano's decentralization prospects with Bitcoin and Ethereum. Read article
Cardano has sound technology and community
Cryptocurrency communities are a new phenomenon, unlike anything we have known before. What is it like, how does technology relate to it, and what does the future hold? Let’s try to answer these questions. Read article
Cardano has the second mover advantage
The first mover advantage is no guarantee of ultimate success. Being second is also an advantage, as it is possible to learn from the mistakes of the first and do things differently, more thoughtfully and carefully. Cardano does not have a fundamental disadvantage compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum. Read article
How Ouroboros Leios will change the Cardano Consensus
Cardano uses PoS consensus, which at the time of writing is capable of processing 300 simple transactions per second. That's almost 50 times more than the PoW consensus that Bitcoin uses. However, for the global financial system, this is still insufficient. The IOG team is working on a new version of PoS which they have named Ouroboros Leios. Read article
Cardano will have a new Lace wallet
IOG is building a new wallet called Lace that will bring many innovations to the cryptocurrency world and has the potential to raise the bar. Read article
The new digital economy is emerging on Cardano
In 2015, it was common to say that it was a pity that there were no decentralized exchanges and sandboxes where people could test new concepts. New protocols are emerging on the Cardano platform that people are using to interact with each other. How to understand this and what direction can it take? Read article
Cardano will help tokenize the economy of the future
Modern technology is changing the way people interact. Blockchain will have a significant impact on changing business models in the next 20 years. Cryptocurrencies will be used for payments. The question is whether these will be native coins of individual projects or stablecoins. Cardano can play a significant role, as it will enable the tokenization of the economy. Read article
Comparison of energy consumption of Cardano and Bitcoin
Did you know that Cardano is about 100,000 times more energy efficient than Bitcoin? Is this important to you? Maybe yes and maybe no. However, this topic is increasingly being debated at the level of governments and regulators. Their decisions may affect the future of blockchain projects. Let’s look at the details. Read article
What Vasil upgrade brings to Cardano
The IOG team doesn't care if it's a bear or bull market and is constantly improving the Cardano protocol. What matters is the long-term vision. This way the team delivers what the community expects. Let's take a look at what the long-awaited Vasil upgrade brings to Cardano. Read article
Cardano survives the bear market
Cardano has already survived one bear market after 2017 and is still a relevant project in the top 10. We are currently in a bear market due to the poor economic situation and the post-halving period of Bitcoin. Let's take a look at why Cardano will easily survive the current bear market as well. Read article
Proof-of-Stake is the appropriate consensus for the financial revolution
Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) are two different concepts performing the same task. Both approaches have their undeniable advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, arguments against PoS often stem from misunderstanding or overlooking the problems of PoW. Let's make the case for PoS in this article. Read article
Why Cardano
In June 2022, I was invited to speak about Cardano at the UTXO cryptocurrency conference in Prague. I thought about what I would tell people and chose the history of the project and its mission. This article was inspired by my PowerPoint presentation. Feel free to use the material and promote Cardano. Read article
Understand Cardano via Cexplorer
It can be difficult for the average user to understand how a blockchain network works because they can't touch and view it. Various tools that monitor the network and provide users with information in an understandable form can help with analysis. Learn how to use Cexplorer. Read article
Cardano is more than just an investment
People come to cryptocurrencies for speculation. That's fine, it's in our nature to want to make a profit. Blockchain technology will only be successful if it overcomes the speculative aspect and offers people benefits that are insulated from market volatility. People must stay for the sake of greater freedom, the right to privacy, and the potential transformation of society. Read article
Understanding Cardano Extended-UTXO
One of the innovations Cardano has come up with is an extension of Bitcoin's accounting model. Bitcoin is essentially simple, but that doesn't mean that its various parts can't be improved. Technological advancements are being made as part of the Cardano project. Come explore the history of accounting models and their evolution. Read article
Why Cardano is an open-source project
Public blockchain networks are first and foremost about establishing trust between users and technology. There must be no middleman who would abuse trust to their advantage. Cardano is an open-source project. This is very important from many angles, which we will talk more about. Read article
Cardano is the evolution of blockchain
The cryptocurrency space is full of false narratives when it comes to technological progress, missions of projects, adoption, utility, and other things. What is perfectly natural in other industries is wrapped in ideology and nonsensical arguments in the case of blockchain. Let's think about the illogicalities you may encounter. Read article
Decentralization is at the heart of Cardano
For the IOG team, the high decentralization of the Cardano protocol is both a top priority and a technological challenge that they are enthusiastically exploring. Decentralization is a key feature that brings disruption to current financial and social services. Without insistence on basic principles and innovation, the decentralized revolution makes no sense. We will show you why we think so. Read article
How to use WingRiders on Cardano Main-net
WingRiders is an Automated Market Maker (AMM) decentralized exchange (DEX). The exchange has been launched on the Cardano main-net on 12 April 2022. In this article, we will show you all the important steps to help you use the exchange. Read article
Get more by keeping ADA coins in your own wallet
Every ADA coin should be in your own wallet. This is the only way to fully utilize the potential of the Cardano ecosystem. Staking on the exchanges is not only dangerous, it deprives you of many opportunities that can benefit you and, by extension, the entire ecosystem. Don't let the exchanges profit from holding your ADA coins. Take advantage of them yourself. Read article
How the WingRiders team saved MinSwap from being hacked
In mid-September 2021there was an Alonzo hard fork. In March 2022, the first major hack on the decentralized exchange MinSwap could have occurred, but thanks to the vigilance and professionalism of the WingRiders team, it did not. Read article
ISPO is a novelty way in fundraising on Cardano
Fundraising has a long history in the cryptocurrency world, and probably everyone has seen or heard about the ICO mania around 2017. We have seen many attempts to improve this area. Cardano has come up with an ISPO concept that is definitely worth your attention. Read article
Cardano grows in important stats
It can be difficult for people to make a good estimate of a project's potential. There are a lot of false narratives floating around in the cryptocurrency space. In this article, we'll look at the stats that really matter and we provide relevant context. You will see that Cardano does very well in stats, but hard data is not the most important thing for adoption. Read article
WingRiders is provably secure DEX on Cardano
The WingRiders source code has been audited by the renowned security company CERTIK. Let's explain why a security audit is important, how it is performed, and most importantly, what was the result. Read article
Understanding Cardano staking
In 2022, Cardano will celebrate 2 years since the launch of the Proof-of-Stake. Staking has gained attention from the very beginning. At the time of writing, there are over 3,100 pools registered and over 1.1M stakers. We will discuss the importance of staking from the users' perspective. We want to offer you different angles on staking and its wider importance to society. Read article
How the WingRiders team is building DEX on Cardano
Decentralized exchanges are the foundation of any DeFi ecosystem. In collaboration with the WingRiders team, we talked about how such an exchange can be created on the Cardano platform. In this article, we look at how applications are built on Cardano in general and the challenges the WingRiders team faces. It is interesting to see which options the team has and which design decisions were made. Read article
Interview with the WingRiders team
After the IOG team released a hard-fork supporting Plutus scripts, the Cardano ecosystem became very lively. Developers are exploring the eUTxO model and building new applications. We talked to WingRiders developers who are building a decentralized exchange. Read article
Web3 on Cardano
The next iteration of the World Wide Web is on the rise, and blockchain is emerging as an essential building block. This iteration has been named Web3. We take a look at whether Cardano fits into this concept. Read article
Interview with MuesliSwap
MuesliSwap is the first decentralized exchange launched on Cardano. This was a big surprise for many, as few people had heard of this exchange. Cardanians interviewed the MuesliSwap team. Read article
About Tokens on Cardano
Cardano allows issuing tokens and writing decentralized applications. What is the difference between ADA coins and tokens? What market value can different tokens have and why? What is needed to happen for tokens to retain value over the long term? What are the risks related to holding tokens? Let's explore that in this article. Read article
What does it mean for Cardano to be a platform?
Cardano has entered the Goguen era in 2021 with it becoming a smart contracts platform. This brings many benefits and the potential is tremendous, but it requires some caution from users. Let's explain what the platform is and what it means for users. Read article
How to Swap tokens on SundaeSwap
SundaeSwap DEX runs on Cardano test-net. We bring you a tutorial on how to try out the token swap. We'll show you how to prepare a Nami wallet (without HW wallet support), connect it to the SundaeSwap test-net and do a simple swap of tokens. Read article
SundaeSwap DEX prepares for launch
Many teams are building DEX on Cardano. SundaeSwap is definitely one of the more visible projects. On Sunday 5th December, SundaeSwap will be launched on test-net. Let's take a closer look at the project. Read article
Cardano has a fair distribution of ADA coins
Each blockchain network needs its own coins to exist. For coins to have value, there must be demand for them. Many things can affect this. In this article, we will discuss the importance of ADA coin distribution in the Cardano project. Read article
Fees on the Cardano network
A fees system on public blockchain networks is a big topic. Different projects have their own strategies. We will provide a basic overview. Then, we explain different points of view in this article with respect to the present and future of fees on Cardano. Read article
Why people are unable to assess the potential of Cardano
Blockchain technology is still in the early stages of development. It is difficult for ordinary people, as well as experts, to gauge the potential of this technology. Everyone agrees that it is also a disruptive technology, but no one knows its impact. Cardano is a protocol that follows the path of innovation. Historically, it has proven to be the only path to success for disruptive technologies. Read article
Do not stake ADA on exchanges
The use of cryptocurrencies places demands on users, who must take responsibility into their own hands and avoid centralized services. Everyone knows the phrase "not your keys, not your coins". This also applies to ADA coin staking. Learn why it's better to stake ADA coins from your own wallet. Read article
Is Cardano the biggest innovation after the Internet?
It is often said that blockchain is a disruptive technology that relies on decentralization. The ability to exclude third parties from the process of interaction between two participants is indeed revolutionizing the process. Let's explore this innovation in more detail. Read article
The evolution of cryptocurrencies and how Cardano fits in
Thanks to Bitcoin, the whole blockchain industry has taken off. For a long time, people didn't believe that any other project other than Bitcoin could be successful. They were wrong. Let's take a look at some of the events and trends in this emerging industry. We look at Cardano and how it fits into the future of cryptocurrencies. Read article
What is NFT and why do we experiment with it?
NFT is a recent phenomenon and is the next big thing after the ICO and DeFi waves. Let’s explain what NFT is and why it makes sense to be interested in them. Read article
ADA Kawaii Anime NFT
We would like to present you with our own NFT project on Cardano. Read article
Decentralization is at the heart of Cardano
Decentralization is an absolutely key feature of public blockchain networks, as it is this feature that differentiates them from current protocols. Let's explain what decentralization is, how to measure it, and how to maintain its high quality in the long run. Read article
Cardano and the power of the network effect
We believe that the success of the Cardano project is almost inevitable. Blockchain is a fundamental technology that will fundamentally change the world. If you understand what the power of the network effect is, you will be able to see Cardano in a completely different light than before. Read article
How Cardano can help in Ethiopia, El Salvador and other developing countries
Blockchain technology has moved past the critical stage where it is being adopted not by individuals but by entire governments in order to solve real country problems. To name a few, Ethiopia has adopted Cardano for building infrastructure, El Salvador has adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender. Let's think about what this can bring to these and other countries. Read article
Cardanians Loyalty Program
We are extremely pleased to introduce the Cardanians loyalty program. We are going to mint NFT tokens for delegators who stake with our Cardanians pools. Let's explain the rules. Read article
Cardano is in line with nature
Cardano uses PoS consensus, which is more energy-efficient than PoW. Cardano is thus more in line with nature and the natural order of things than projects using PoW. Let's talk about why this is important. Read article
What Cardano can change through decentralization
Many newcomers to cryptocurrencies are unclear about what exactly decentralization is and, more importantly, what it can change. This article will look at how the Cardano protocol is decentralized and then discuss what all can change in our society through decentralization. Read article
Cardano and Bitcoin can coexist and support each other
Cryptocurrencies are a very competitive environment and the question is which projects will exist in the next 10 years. This will be decided mainly by the users who adopt the projects and start using them in real life. Let's take a look at how Cardano and Bitcoin compete and how they can complement each other. Read article
Cardano and Real Finance is a Great Fit
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is the most promising emerging sector in the cryptocurrency space. However, this sector lacks the necessary stability and reliability, two crucial prerequisites for further adoption. Cardano can bring DeFi to mainstream users and thus create real finance (RealFi). Read article
Cardano empowers individuals
Cardano has the potential to empower individuals, but to counterbalance this, it can weaken the position of institutions, banks, and states. Technology can assist in a new redistribution of power and give people greater freedom. But this can only happen under certain conditions, and success will depend on the people themselves. Not on technology. Read article
What forces will drive the price of the ADA?
There is a widely spread narrative that cryptocurrencies are valuable mainly due to digital scarcity. Besides the scarcity, a technological aspect provides unique features that differentiate cryptocurrencies from gold. What is actually a more valuable feature, the scarcity or technological features? Read article
ADA can be an environment-friendly scarce resource
The inflation of money and its printing during the economic crisis is perceived as a problem that is to be fixed by Bitcoin. Is this defensible in the context of negative environmental impact? Do we have another alternative? We have. Cardano can become a green store of value. Read article
Cardano can unleash the potential of blockchain
Scalability and utility are the main prerequisites to use blockchain technologies for economic and social activities. The main focus is put on decentralization and security but users take it for granted and above all, they require fast and useful services. Read article
Cardano can change Africa
Technology is valuable only when it is adopted and used for solving real issues. A public network can be adopted by individuals but it does not mean that an institution or even government cannot decide to use it as well. It has happened. Ethiopia decided to adopt Cardano. Read article
What will be the value of Cardano?
The Internet succeeded since it allows us to interact in a different way and create new values. Blockchain technology can be used to build a trust layer upon the internet. It can get rid of us unnecessary middlemen. It can be a very valuable service for the whole society since it can reshape the way we work with trust. Read article
Decide about the future of Cardano via Catalyst
On-chain government is an inevitable part of a decentralized blockchain project. Catalyst is a project that will try to introduce it on Cardano. Stakeholders should pay attention to the project and understand the importance in the context of the future success of Cardano. Read article
Building a new economy on Cardano
Cryptocurrency fans believe that blockchain has the potential to disrupt banks and create a new form of sound money. There is a close relationship between national currencies and governments. The reality is that it is not possible to replace national currencies without having technologies that will substitute the functionalities of governments or help to build a new form of government. Read article
Cardano is designed to be here for decades
Digital scarcity is based on the trust of people that a given project will exist for a long time if not forever. Longevity depends on a sustainable economic model. The model itself cannot be stable and it depends on events in the real world. Let's compare Cardano and Bitcoin from the perspective of longevity and durability. Read article
People will decide about the future of Cardano
The future of all cryptocurrencies is open. Narratives change, technological capabilities are improved every day, big investors come and are interested in investments. Despite all these positives, it is difficult to anticipate what the future will look like. We will have a look at Satoshi's vision and put it into context with Cardano. Read article
Alonzo brings Smart Contracts to Cardano
Alonzo hard-fork will bring smart contracts to Cardano. Let's have a look at the history and the potential of smart contracts. We dare to think big about the future of technology. Read article
Why Cardano does not need slashing
The Cardano main-net (Shelley era) has been launched in the middle of the year 2020 and so far it runs reliably and without any issues. There is a lot of scientific work behind Ouroboros Proof-of-Stake consensus and the practice shows that theoretical assumptions seem to be correct. People are asking why Ouroboros does not need to punish dishonest participants. Let's try to answer the question. Read article
Catalyst Voting Guide
In the Cardano ecosystem, you can participate in voting and thus actively influence the future of the project. Let's have a look at it. We will show you how to do it via the Yoroi wallet. Read article
Native tokens on Cardano
The possibility to issue tokens on Cardano increases the utility of the network. It will bring network traffic and new users. After the Mary hard-fork, Cardano will become a multi-asset ledger. Let's have a look at what it means and what it brings to the Cardano ecosystem. Read article
Why Cardano matters
People can ask why the IOHK team works on Cardano if we have Bitcoin and Ethereum. Do we really need more public networks? These are fair questions. Let's answer them. Read article
Who will maintain Cardano
Cardano is a public global protocol with open source code. Millions of people can use it every day. The question is who should be responsible for maintaining the global protocol that is supposed to be decentralized? Read article
The adoption of Cardano is about technology
The adoption of cryptocurrencies is driven by monetary policy and utility. Which one is more important? The adoption of Cardano is more about utility than monetary policy. However, both factors are important. Let's have a look at it. Read article
The first stable-coin on Cardano
A joint partnership of Ergo Foundation, IOG, and Emurgo resulted in the creation of the first stable-coin that is called SigmaUSD. It is a crypto-backed algorithmic stable-coin protocol with some significant advantages over popular stable-coin Dai. Read article
Metadata in Cardano transactions
Cardano is to be a social and financial operating system. As such, it must be more than a transaction network on blockchain. It must be easy to extend the basic concept and add new functionalities. Transaction metadata will allow it. Read article
Security of Cardano
The security of public networks is not governed by a centralized authority. It is something that evolves organically with the growth of projects. Let's have a look at how secure Cardano is. Read article
Oracles in the Cardano ecosystem
Smart contracts technology has enhanced the abilities of blockchain networks and added programmability features. A trusted link between the digital world and the physical could be another such enhancement. Oracles can do that for us. Read article
Cardano becomes the most decentralized network
Media reported that Cardano became the most decentralized network in the crypto world. It happened half a year after the launch of the main-net. Let's have a look at the details. Read article
How to start with Cardano staking for newbies
The world of cryptocurrencies is beautiful but it can be difficult to get oriented in it. We put together a few practical pieces of information about cryptocurrency generally but we focus on Cardano. You will learn how to buy ADA coins and start with staking. You will find a lot of useful links.
The article is focused on newbies. There is nothing new for experienced holders. Read article
The mission is the best thing on Cardano
Cardano is a mission-oriented project. People should not be blinded by investment opportunities. They should rather understand Cardano's mission first. It is the mission that can change the world. The profit of individuals will not make the world a better place for living. Read article
How a transaction gets into Cardano's blockchain
When Alice sends 1000 ADA coins to Bob she uses her wallet. Bob will receive the coins in a few seconds. In the article, we will go through the whole process and explain what happens behind the scene in this scenario. Read article
The cryptography behind Cardano blocks
Cryptocurrencies could be invented due to the many major achievements in cryptography. It is not a surprise that cryptography is used not only for signing transactions but it is also used for the creation of new blocks. In the article, we will have a look at how a new block is created in the Cardano network from the point of view of cryptography. Read article
The advantages of using ADA coins as a scarce resource
Public blockchain networks need a mechanism for distributing the consensual power to entities that wish to participate in the decentralization and security of a network. Let’s have a look at how it is done in Cardano. Read article
About belief and technology
What is the relation between belief and technology in the context of cryptocurrencies? What is more important for success? Read our take on the topic. Read article
Being a Cardano operator can be a real business
We can see that many people from the community are interested in being a Cardano staking pool operator (SPO). It is very positive for the ecosystem. People should be aware of the fact that being SPO can be a serious business one day. Read article
Cardano gives you freedom. Do not stake ADA on exchanges.
Cardano has been built with a focus on decentralization and can provide users with financial freedom and independence. Decentralization is not only about technology but also about the mindset. Do not stake ADA coins on exchanges. Read article
Contracts can be smarter on Cardano
Blockchain is used as a transactional network. The big step forward would be if the blockchain technologies are used also for agreements. It is just a natural and logical step and programmable money will be a standard in the future. Read article
Cardano delegators should be aware of changes in staking
The IOG has decided to change the K parameter and it will impact not only pool operators but also delegators. Everybody should understand the changes and consider how to deal with them. It is easy to absorb the changes and react appropriately if you understand how Cardano staking works. We will try to explain the changes to you. Read article
What is a Fair Reward for Cardano Pool Operators?
We have seen many interesting but also hot debates about the K parameter and its size. It influences many things including the rewards of operators and some people think that it should be increased. Let's discuss it. Read article
Cardano does not need PayPal
Cryptocurrency gets into the point where banks and traditional financial private sectors have begun to integrate public blockchain to their centralized infrastructure. We can see rather negatives and nearly no positives. Read article
Cardano will allow us to be bankless
The narrative of crypto can be summarized by the following statement: Unbank the banked and bank the unbanked. Well, let's have a realistic look at the topic. Read article
Cardano is able to solve the real-world problems
Blockchain technology can bring a financial disruption but it will be insignificant unless it goes hand in hand with social disruption. The society is tightly coupled with the world of finance and it is not possible to disrupt one without the other. Let's have a look at what we can expect from cryptocurrencies. Read article
Make a better staking decision
As a Cardano stake-holder, you are probably interested in delegating your coins to a pool. In short, you are interested in staking. This article can help you to understand the big picture behind the whole staking and rewarding process. We will show you how you can find all the relevant information in the ADApools tool. Read article
Cardano smart contracts will enhance the abilities of decentralization
People are able to improve any technology and make it even more useful or versatile. Can the abilities of decentralization be enhanced or improved? Sure, why blockchain technology should be an exception. Let's have a look at it. Read article
Cardano transaction is not a bank transaction
Blockchain transactions are different from banking transactions and it is good, bad, and ugly. Let's talk about the differences in the article and describe the advantages and disadvantages. We will also explain how important is a transaction context. Read article
Cardano will be needed when crypto goes mainstream
We do not need decentralized infrastructure right now since adoption is low and the HODL narrative prevents the real usage of crypto in daily lives. If it is going to change and people adopt Bitcoin as a store of value then the process of decentralization will just continue spreading. It will be beneficial for Cardano. Read article
We can build a social system on Cardano
Money cannot be separated from the governments since money needs to be surrounded by the social layer. In the article, we will have a look at how smart contract technology can be used for building a decentralized social layer. Read article
Cardano can succeed in a competitive environment
The crypto space is still in the building and experimental phase. No smart contract platform is ready for mass adoption and for real business. The next few years will be critical and we think that Cardano can succeed in the competitive environment. Read article
Cardano can bring stability and reliability to the World of DeFi
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is the most interesting movement in the whole crypto right now. At the same time, it is the synonym for high profits but also for high risk. It is not a good thing. DeFi must be a stable and reliable space in the first place. Read article
It is not possible to hack Cardano
It is not basically possible to hack the Cardano network for a variety of reasons. Let's have a look at it in more detail. Read article
Cardano Staking: Practical Information
We would like to put together a few useful and practical information related to Cardano staking. We plan to regularly update the article to keep information precise and valid. Read article
Cardano Shelley: How to delegate from the YOROI wallet
The delegation guide for YOROI users. Read article
Cardano Shelley: Claiming ITN reward
Let's have a look at how to redeem ADA coins from the ITN. Read article
The Cardano Shelley era is about decentralization
Bitcoin is the first successful blockchain. It uses the PoW consensus algorithm that is permissionless but it does not scale well. The scalability issue is often solved by compromising the decentralization. It might not always be the case. Cardano uses PoS consensus that is highly decentralized and scales much better in comparison with PoW. Read article
Cardano Shelley: How to stake in Daedalus
Cardano has entered into the Shelley era and we have prepared a guide that helps you to delegate ADA coins to a pool. Read article
Do not overlook Cardano
It can be difficult to get oriented in the cryptocurrencies if you are not an IT specialist and you make your decisions only on facts that are provided by people on the internet. Let's have a look at what is wrong with people talking about cryptocurrencies and why adoption is so slow. Read article
People must understand the advantages of decentralization to use Cardano
Decentralization is the key feature of blockchain technology but it is not the feature that people wish to use. The reason is quite simple. They do not know the disadvantages of the systems that they use every day and do not know what Cardano can do for them. Read article
The Cardano Protocol is well prepared for the Future
We usually know well what has happened in the past. We can just assume what is going to happen in the future and still, we can be sure that we will be surprised by the development of events. A decentralized protocol must be designed in a way that it will be possible to respond to all expected or even unexpected events in the future. Read article
What is Cardano Staking
The primary goal of the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) network consensus is to enable the decentralized network to come to a mutual agreement among nodes about a single version of the truth. PoS is not only about the network consensus and there are very interesting social and financial aspects of the Cardano protocol. Read article
Let's talk about the realistic market capitalization of Cardano
The market capitalization and price of the native ADA coins are a hot topic of discussion on the internet. People are happy when the price goes up and sad when it goes down. Let's talk about the hot topic and estimate the realistic price of ADA coins. Read article
What have PoW and PoS in common and what is different
Bitcoin's Proof-of-Work (PoW) is the first network consensus that is used to come up to a single valid state of a ledger with nodes that are spread across a globe. As any technology can be improved also the network consensus can be improved in a way that it will be faster, more secure, decentralized, and consume less energy. Cardano's Proof-of-Stake (PoS) will be such a consensus. Let's have a loo Read article
How will Cardano enter the Shelley era
In today's article, we will dive into technical details related to the transition of the Cardano protocol to the Shelley era. You can read about hard forks and hard fork combinator that allows smooth switching between two versions of the protocol. Read article
Cardano can remind the world what adoption of crypto is really about
Cryptocurrency came to the world with a clear vision of building an alternative to the current financial world. We got into a phase in which some people celebrate the entrance of institutional investors and banks instead of trying to use crypto in their daily life. Let's dive into the phenomenon. Read article
Cardano has undergone an independent source code audit
Cardano has undergone an independent source code audit by the respected company Root9B. The IOHK team wanted to reassure users that Cardano is a secure protocol. Let's take a look at the published audit together. Read article
Cardano can give crypto a cash-like experience
IOHK donated $500,000 in ADA coins to the University of Wyoming to work on blockchain innovations. A part of the work will be research dedicated to design an ultra-low power crypto-authentication chip. The chip can enable a cash-like experience for cryptocurrency users. As a side effect, it can resolve problems with privacy and scalability. Read article
What is the real use-case of Cardano?
What is the real use-case of the Cardano? This question is often raised in debates on the Internet. Let's try to answer it. You will be probably surprised by the answer. Hopefully, it can help you to understand why it might be difficult to answer. Read article
About Cardano Pledging
The incentive mechanism of the public decentralized network is a complex topic. It is necessary to find a balance between the best interest of the network and the interest of stakeholders. Let’s dive into Cardano pledging. Read article
Can people trust Cardano's blockchain?
The adoption of cryptocurrencies will be generally difficult and one of the reasons is that it requires a change of people mindset. Surprisingly, adoption is about trust. Are we able to stop trusting people and start trusting blockchain technology more? Read article
Economic and incentive model behind Cardano Proof-of-Stake
The economic and incentive model is often overlooked, which is a pity since it is probably the most important part of the public decentralized protocols. Let’s see why is the model so important and how Cardano Ouroboros Proof-of-Stake is designed from the point of view of users. Read article
Can ADA become Sound Money?
A blockchain is essentially a trust machine. It is able to gain people's trust and ensure that some data or information remains unchanged forever. People started talking about the possibility that we can create sound money based on blockchain technology. We know how sound money looks like from the economic point of view but we have not a clear definition of how it should look like from the technol Read article
From Simplicity to Complexity through Cardano
The adoption of new technologies is well described and we can observe certain patterns. There are similarities in the adoption of TCP/IP and blockchain. Let's have a look at what blockchain technology can bring us in the future and what we can expect. Read article
How Shelley will be launched
The article describes the transition from the Byron era to the Shelley era. Read article
How Cardano can disrupt the traditional financial system
If we want to replace traditional financial services, we need an alternative. The concept of decentralization and blockchain technology offers one of the possible alternatives. In today's article, we'll talk about what services banks and financial services offer and how it would be possible to build something similar on the Cardano platform. Read article
Cardano adoption will rock
People still hesitate to accept blockchain and use it daily life. In today's article, we look at some of the reasons for the slow adoption of this breakthrough technology. Teams can significantly help with the adoption of their projects. However, there are many different groups that can use blockchain quite differently. We will see more projects side by side in the future. Read article
What factors will affect the price of ADA
As an investor, you should be aware of the main price drivers. Cardano is a platform so there are more drivers than the first generation of crypto projects have. Read article
Cardano is not just a Wallet
There is one bad habit in cryptocurrencies. Everyone supports their chosen project and hounds the others. People's motives are often economic. However, let's take a look at a few facts. Read article
Hydra: Cardano scalability solution
In the future, most transactions will be processed by second-layers solutions. The first layers might not be able to satisfy high transaction demand. Cardano has the second layer solution and its name is Hydra. Read article
Cardano´s mission is still the same
COVID-19 caused a major market crash. It is always good not to forget to project fundaments and looking to the future. Do not be scared by the short-term market turbulence. Read article
Must Blockchain be a slow and expensive Database? Cardano is going to rewrite History.
There are many myths in crypto-world. These myths are often kept alive by people who have an economic interest in supporting them. Let's take a look at one of them.. Read article
Cardano builds Strong Community
Building a strong community is a very important aspect of every project. There must be a connection between the team and members of the community. Cardano strives to have good relations with us, with the community. Read article
Adoption of Cardano will be different from the First Generation of Cryptocurrencies
The adoption of a platform will be quite different from the adoption of the transactional network. A richer set of features allows people to use many new services and better interconnection with the traditional financial system. Read article
The Challenges of Decentralization for Cardano
Understanding the past protects us from repeating the same mistakes in the future. This also applies to decentralization. With time, we can see how the decentralization of Bitcoin has evolved. Observation may be surprising for someone. Read article
The story of Ada Lovelace
Within the Cardano project, there are no random names. All names have some historical background. This also applies to the project's native currency. Read article
Cardano intends to be a Social and Financial Operating System
The blockchain technology can be used in many ways. If you think that the only usage is a transactional system then you might be terribly wrong. The ultimate goal of blockchain technology is removal of middleman in financial and social processes. Read article
Cryptography for Cardano Wallet Users
If you own any crypto then you should know how to protect your wealth. It can be a challenge if you are not an IT guru. We can help you and teach you the basics of cryptography. Read article
Your very first article about Cardano
If you have never heard about Cardano then this article is for you. Read article
Cardano OBFT Hard fork explained
The article describes an event related to Cardano transition to main-net. Still, it is worth to read it as you can learn about hard-fork. Read article
Security budget of the Cardano project
PoW and PoS have different characteristics regarding the security budget. A PoW network must provide sufficient rewards in every block and it can be a problem in the long term perspective due to the halving. Cardano PoS uses staked coins as protection to the 51% attack and as you will see, it can be very expensive to commit one. Read article
Blockchain scalability and Cardano approach to it
The public blockchain struggles with adoption. Higher adoption is critically dependent on the ability of the protocol to scale more. Let’s explain exactly what scalability is and look at the differences between PoS and PoW. Read article
Is it possible to commercialize the public network?
Marketing of a cryptocurrency might seem a bit strange since people expect that they will choose what they want to use. However, every project can take a different strategy since it focuses on a different group of users. Read article
Sustainable decentralization
Decentralization is a dynamic process and changes over time. You can have it at the beginning and lose it within a few years. It is like a democracy. If we stop to care about it then we can lose it. A protocol might be designed in a way that helps to keep the decentralization on a good level. Let's explore the topic. Read article
Delegating to the saturated pool is less profitable
How saturation works withing the Shelley test-net. Read article
How Cardano pool operator fees work
The article describes the setting of the operator's fee within Shelley test-net. Read article
The Czech Cardano community was praised by an independent crypto-journalist
Local media in the Czech Republic wrote an article about Cardanians and the great Cardano community. Read article
Guide for delegating of ada coins within Shelley test-net for the Yoroi wallet
Now obsolete guide related to delegating to a pool in the Shelley test-net. Read article
Guide for Delegation of ada coins in Shelley test-net for Daedalus wallet version V1
Now obsolete guide related to delegating to a pool in the Shelley test-net. Read article
Cardano is designed for mass adoption from scratch
If we simplify it a bit we could say that crypto lacks only one important thing. It is mass adoption. Without adoption, there will be no crypto revolution. Read article
Blockchain needs a viable incentive mechanism
The economical and incentivize model is a very underestimate topic when talking about cryptocurrencies. It influences how many people will be willing to operate a node or how secure the protocol will be. Last but not least, it influences also the level of decentralization. Learn more about it. Read article
Cardano is the first mission-critical blockchain project
One of the most fantastic things on Cardano is the way it is being developed. No other project takes such a complicated and demanding approach. It is done for a reason. The IOHK team is aware of the fact that only the high-quality project can compete with others in the long term. Read article
Satoshi would like Cardano and refuse Bitcoin maximalism
Supporting any crypto project must not be based on fundamentalism and irrational arguments. Not only it makes no sense but it discourages people to join the space. In most cases, people need to listen to clear facts and sensible reasons to start using crypto. Read article
Cryptocurrency adoption inevitably disrupts governments
If cryptocurrencies succeed than it might disrupt the politics of many states. The reason is quite simple. A state without a currency under control loses power. States do not like losing power so the adoption of cryptocurrencies will be difficult. Read article
No reason to be afraid of modern cryptography for consensus
Let's try a technical article about cryptography. We try to persuade you that we do not need PoW to build a reliable network consensus. Read article
Is it difficult to create digital sound money?
We are big fans of cryptocurrencies. Despite that, let's be a bit critical to it and have a look at whether is it really so easy to create digital gold. Read article
A Database is not a Blockchain
People often compare the blockchain with the database. It makes sense since both stores data. However, there are significant differences. Read article
50 shades of decentralization
Decentralization has a lot of faces. Are you sure that you understand it well? Read article
Cardano Smart Contracts
The part of the decentralized future will not only be transactions but also the execution of smart contracts. The impact might be huge since it allows us to avoid the legal system. Read article
How far the price of Cardano´s ADA might go
Some people do not like price speculation. Some do. Let's try to make a possible ADA price estimation once Cardano is used by many groups of people in the future. Read article
Cardano PoS vs. Bitcoin PoW
You were interested in how Cardano PoS is different from Bitcoin PoW. There are many significant differences and both projects are different advantages and disadvantages. Let's compare them. Read article
Why buy and hold ADA
Have you ever thought about why you hold some cryptocurrency? We can tell you why we hold ADA coins. Read article
Cardano´s Vision
At the beginning of every project, there is a vision or attempt to achieve something new. This is true at least for Cardano. Charles told us what is the vision of the project.
Why I believe in Cardano
Some people are investors. Some people like the technology and the benefits of using it. Would you like to know why I believe in Cardano? Read article
Do People Care about Decentralization?
People do not care much about decentralization. They are probably more interested in the price of cryptocurrencies than caring about their privacy or attempts to replace current financial services. It might sound a bit scary. However, only decentralized networks might bring us a new financial revolution. Read article
Diving into Protocol Consensus
Would you like to know more about network consensus details? Then you will probably enjoy the article. We will dive into details regarding transaction processing and making consensus in a distributed network. Read article
Decentralized Governance must be next Step
Decentralization is not only about the network consensus but also about project governance. There are rules defined on a protocol level and people expect that they will be held forever. The protocol must be sometimes updated and rules changed as external conditions change. So it is necessary to think about decentralization on the development level. Read article
Cardano Staking
Let's dive into Cardano staking and explain how it works.
Will Cardano succeed in the future?
Sustainability, interoperability, and scalability are three pillars of Cardano that will help a lot with adoption. Read article
Provision of network decentralization on the protocol level
The decentralization of a public blockchain is maintained by people. However, decentralization is a dynamic process and might change significantly in time. A protocol itself might be aware of its own decentralization and try to keep it on a high level. Is this possible? Read article
Will the majority adopt sooner Bitcoin or Cardano?
Blockchain is a new technology and people tend to assume that it will be adopted as fast as it is usual for other technologies. That might not be correct since blockchain is not only about technology but also about price volatility. That might be an obstacle to mass adoption. Read article
Global blockchain is not suitable for every use case. Sometimes there is a local problem that needs a local technical solution. The IOHK team has a solution for it. It names Atala. Read article
It is not necessary to waste energy for the sake of scarcity
It is often said that scarcity is the most important part of the economic model of cryptocurrencies. Is it really necessary to consume so much energy due to scarcity?
How to define ´decentralization´?
Many people talk about decentralization, but few would be able to say exactly what it is. Decentralization is the most important feature of blockchain. Let's look at the definition of decentralization and the precise meaning.