• If we want to measure success, we first need to understand the mission of the project and set metrics accordingly.
  • People should see blockchain not only as a means of self-enrichment but more importantly as a technology that can play a significant role in transforming our society.
  • The utility of social networks is not linked to financial speculation. It can be the same with services built on blockchain.
  • Volatility is a utility killer and it starts with transaction fees.
  • Few people are willing to admit that most current economic models of many DeFi projects fail because of token volatility.
  • The service will attract new users and promote network effect growth only if it is actually useful compared to competitors.
  • Stable coins are a perfect example of how to push the value growth of volatile assets like ADA while insulating users from volatility.
  • Minting Djed requires ADA coins, so the demand for stablecoins will essentially increase the demand for ADA coins.

How to measure the success of blockchain technology

Each individual project was created for a different purpose. Clearly, there is no one metric that fits all projects to measure success. From a technology perspective, the emphasis is on different qualities.

If Bitcoin is to fulfill the narrative of a store of value, success is linked not so much to the number of users, but more importantly to market capitalization. The belief that more institutional investors will come is attracting retail investors who want to play the game alongside the big players. Technologically, everything is subordinated to a high level of security, i.e. the use of Proof-of-Work network consensus. Furthermore, there is an emphasis on a conservative approach in terms of development. The team wants to avoid potential problems that could arise when introducing changes to the protocol. The strategy chosen is “let it be as it is and don’t touch it”.

The mission of the Cardano project is different. Cardano is being built as a global social and financial operating system. Cardano is primarily a mission-oriented project. Success is linked to the number of users the system will allow interacting financially. The team is mainly focusing on developing countries, as that is where Cardano can be most useful. Building infrastructure where none exists is always easier than overcoming the bureaucratic barrier in Western countries. It cannot be said that the adoption of the Cardano network will be easy. Many places on the planet have to deal with the lack of internet infrastructure. Adoption is thus more dependent on collaboration with governments and many other teams and projects that are sympathetic to the project’s mission.

The approach to protocol development is completely opposite to that of Bitcoin. The team strives to constantly innovate, as it considers this a key aspect of the Cardano project’s existence. As with Bitcoin, decentralization and security are top of mind for the team building Cardano. However, this is not enough. Cardano must also scale well and cannot rely solely on second layers. The ability to issue its own tokens and the programmability to create complex financial products is important.

There is no point in comparing individual blockchain projects. If we want to measure success, we first need to understand the mission of the project and set metrics accordingly.

It is certainly not true that success is measured only by the highest market capitalization. People should know that this metric may be false and may only have short-term meaning. The success of projects is always mainly dependent on the fundamentals and, as we said, different metrics are relevant for different projects.